Car diagnostic tools information by obd2tool

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Car diagnostic tools information by obd2tool

Welcome to my blog,here some auto diagnostic tools will be displayed. If you want to know more information,you can visit our official website:

CGDI MB reviews

CGDI MB reviews:

Have collected CGDI programmers feedback of tests on Mercedes.

Credits to all contributors off


i did it today (EIS on bench)
eis A1645451508 new type
pulling dump took 80 minutes
calculating pass online 4 min.
key programmed !!!


W164 need gateway

w164 2006:

Just did some minutes ago ML350 W164 2006
Read EZS, add key, write BE key all done in 17mn.
Really fast and i’m happy with the first try on car.
Use late software

w164 2009:

2009 W164 ML450
Key add work
Cgdi 15min
Very good speed!!

x164 gl 2012:

I did key x164 GL 2012.
All OK.
All done in 10-12 mn.

w164 2009-:

w164 after 2009
I did for testing 2 types of programming _ have got EZS with both programmed keys because customer claimed somethimes EIS works sometimes doesn’t – I have found that connector for immo aerial was desoldered from PCB so when I fixed it – EIS became fully working again – and then I started testing CGDI and made 2 types of programming (all programming on bench – EZS + GATEWAY EMULATOR)
1) programming in case one key is available and adding spare key – ALL OK!
2) programming in case of ALL KEYS LOST – ALL OK!

spare key programming was pretty fast
AKL scenario takes circa 80minutes to get data from EIS and You have to plug in and out emulator key every 5 seconds – I have bought VVDI POWER ADAPTER to pass all hassle on to adapter so You don’t have to watch whole process and move key in and out manually – but it doesn’t work with CGDI – seems adapter works only with VVDI MB and software drives it by adressed pin to switch connection off and on between ezs and key emulator – maybe CGDI TEAM could write a code to their SW and make VVDI POWER ADAPTER useful for all their customers.


W203 with W209 EZS all key lost, done in the car about 70mn: Succesful.

w203 2004:

W203 2004 spare key making:
Total time about 13 minute when begining to programming new key. Read pass NEC key by IR and calculate PSW
Key still working after get PSW.
Done in car.

w203 2005:

Class C W203 2005 adding key on car.
Spare key made in under 10 minutes.

w203 G500:

Just done a Benz G500 imported from Dubai
EZS 203, data collect is longer, but done in 25mn.
Big problem with BE key, writed 3pcs, only one start engine, remote don’t work.
Finally write Original NEC black key and get bill.

w204 2010:

W204 2010 adding key on bench


W204 get data: About hour
PSW W204: 11minute all key lost in bench with VVDI cable
He had VVDI and CGDI, said CGDI is faster and no problem to get PSW:


W204 all key lost on bench


W204/W207 no problem in bench, use with VVDI cable:
Alessandro silva w204 allkey lost ok 100porcetnto


I did one W207 on bench and only took about 11 minutes total time

w207 c300 2010:

C300 W207 2010 spare key without problem and in 2 minute

(exiting key is BE, so no need server query PSW)


Test with my W209 545 31 08 on bench as add key: 15mn all done
Trying all key lost, failed. But a friend do with W209 545 05 08 succes PSW by IR without gayeway


W220 Read EZS and PW from Key

w211 2010:
Mercedes W221 2010 Facelift S600 V12


Tested on w212 read ezs but pw Upload dont work
Server down


Tested today on W212
Read EZS —> OBD work Fine
Calulating PW from EZS —> Work fine Online Server
Key Calculating —> v041 & v051 Work fine online Server

w212 2010 e250:

Mercedes W212 2010 e250 petrol

w212 2012:

tested w212 ALL KEY LOST !!!
Work realy realy good!
Member say:
W212 is from 2012
Read ezs About 30mins
Upload data
Password given

Read eis info
Paste key password
Then key calculation

w210 w164:

W210 added key on bench
W164 added key on car by OBD 10mn.
Another W164 add key with BE key, 3mn

w211 2008:

W221 2008 with key v57 from Japan:
Add key success after 30mn, get PSW in the 2è upload.
VVDI or Diagspeed need usual 1 or 2H for that.

w216 2014 w219 2008:

W246 2014 FSB3: Add key successful in 15mn
W219 2008: Add key also 15mn OK
Car from Japan

w221 2007:

2007 w221 from Japan: Add key on bench
First try i use vvdi
But 2 time upload also failed cannot get pass
So i was change device Cgdi from vvdi
1 time upload successful
Good and very fast 10min got pass

w212 2010:

I add Key on W212 2010 and the System is the same on W204!
All work without problem!

W463 2012:

password calculation,

resetting and recording EZS,

to change the mileage


w906 2010:

Adding key success on Sprinter W906 2010 with BGA key
On car and by OBD.

w906 w230 2006:

CGDI work not on all by OBD
W906 Sprinter dont work
W230 SL55 AMG 2006 dont work

vxdiag Benz xentry no access authorization

Solution to vxdiag Benz xentry error “No access authorization, You must contact the User Help Desk.



Means the License errors, need register again.

How to register Xentry?

If you use the hard disk in the package, you will find a TOOL folder on the desktop, click it and then “1 – StartKeyCenter”.


First open “1-StartKeyCenter” and “2-Key”, enter ID and date, finally press the rectangle button to gain registration code.


Copy and paste the registration code into the StartKey box, press “Save” button.


Get message “StartKey saved successfully.” means the registration succeed.


PS: The final step is to save the registration info, this step is important which can’t be neglected, just Run”3 -Save”.


The solution is applied to the popular V2018.12 Benz C6 OEM DOIP Xentry

As well as sdconnect C4

How Does Autel MaxiTPMS TS601 Work with TPMS MX-Sensors

As we all know, Tire pressure has a significant impact on safety of the whole car, Many countries have mandated to install TPMS in cars to reduce traffic accidents. So, how much do you know about TPMS?

When the TPMS warning light is on, it may indicate low tire pressure or a broken sensor. And that could be the source of the accident.

In order to turn off TPMS light and solve the problem, you are recommanded to use Autel TS601 to scan all sensors to confirm if TPMS sensor is working or not.


First, Power up TS601and choose “TPMS” from the main menu.


Select car make, model and year to enter the sensor activation screen

(Here we choose Porsche Cayenne 2010 as an example)


Take a walk around the car to each tire and point the tool at the valve stem


Then press “trigger” button


If the TPMS sensors are good and reading is successful, TS601 will display the sensors information onscreen.


In this case, the TPMS light is probably caused by low tire pressure, you should check the test result on TS601 to find out which low pressure tire and Inflate the tire solve the problem.

If the sensors is bad, TS601 can not read out the information, it will indicate that sensor is broken eigher mechanically or electronically.



In this case, you need to replace original sensor with a new one and program the original sensor IDs or create a new generated ID to the new sensor.

How to Clone a set of TPM Sensors IDs?

Using TS601 Scan tool and 433MHz MX-Sensors.



Use TS601 to activate the broken OE sensor and retrieve the sensor ID then you can program to the MX-Sensor.


when the original sensor is not transmitting any more


Connect the TS601 to your vehicle via OBDII cable and retrieve the sensor ID from the car system.

Choose “Read IDs from Vehicle” on System Menu



Insert the new MX-Sensor and program the copied ID



Manually input the original sensor ID to TS601


Then program it to MX-Sensor


Since the new sensors are programmed with the same original sensor IDs, and installed to the same position, no TPMS relearn procedure is needed after replacement.

When the original TPMS sensor is electronically broken or missing, you can also useTS601 to create a new set of TPMS sensors with new IDs:

Choose “TPMS” function on main menu

Select car make, model and year, insert the new MX-Sensors to TS601 slot

Choose “Auto create”


Because it is new unique ID, you need to perform TPMS relearn so that it can recognize the new sensors.

That’s all steps to help solve all TPMS problem!

How to program key fob using Tech 2 scan tool

You will need a GM Tech 2 Scan Tool with it’s 32MB card (updated) and the CANdi module. I have seen the pair sell for as cheap as $224 on and as much as $3000 off eBay.

Btw, if you look for a decent tool for use only, it’s ok to have a cheap but functional china clone.

Seems like the old answers are a cheaper and easier solution.
1. Have a GM dealer do it
2. Have a locksmith do it
3. Buy the Dorman part that comes with a programming module for less than $80.

Those options are cheaper if you do not have a Tech 2. This is why you will expect to pay for a Tech 2.

Which is like saying it is cheaper to take my car to the shop and have them change the water pump for $100 instead of me going to sears and spending $250 on a cool set of craftsman tools and a toolbox and doing the work myself. Personally, I am heading to Sears, because those tools will keep on saving me money for the rest of my life.

Yes, the Tech 2 does other things besides programming a key fob and you really would have to be a chevy buff / mechanic before it would be worth buying one. The tech 2 is not for everyone.

The Tech 2 is a powerful, versatile hand-held diagnostic computer, designed to help diagnose and repair automotive electronic systems.The Tech 2 supports the changes in the on-board electronic systems for model years 1992 to 2013. With the addition of the CAN Diagnostic Interface (CANdi) module, Tech 2 will support GM on-board electronic systems thru 2013.

The CANdi is an in-cable module that works with existing Tech 2 components including the VCI, cables and adapters to add CAN diagnostic capability to the Tech 2 tester. The CANdi module is fully backward compatible with current Tech 2 functionality and operates transparently when diagnosing non-CAN-equipped vehicles.

The Tech 2 has since been replaced with GM MDI

VCDS 18.9 Update for VAG Com Original VCDS 18.9.0 Register Interface

VCDS 18.9.0 updated, VAG-COM VCDS 18.9.0 version includes support for new 2019 model cars,as well as a number of other enhancements and improvements. VCDS 18.9 can update online directly for who have VCDS 18.2.1 VAG-COM Cable. VCDS 18.9.0 release works with VAG-COM from & all genuine Ross-Tech interfaces made since 2004, but support for 2019 model cars requires a current register interface.

VAG-COM-V18.9-VCDS-18.9-2 VAG-COM-V18.9-VCDS-18.9-3

VCDS 18.9 Software Overview:
Software Version: VCDS 18.9
Release VCDS 18.9 operating system: works with Windows 7, 8, and 10 (both 32-bit and 64-bit)
Earlier versions of Windows such as 2000, XP, and Vista might still work, but we no longer consider them supported.
VCDS does not work on “Windows 10 S”, which does not allow software to be installed from any source other than the Microsoft Store. If wish to use VCDS on a computer with this “Student” version of Windows, you’ll need to upgrade it to Windows 10 Pro.
Windows running in a VM (Parallels, Virtual Box, etc) may work but is not supported.
Windows 95, 98, ME, and NT4 definitely will not work.
VCDS Release 18.9 compatible hardware: must be used with a licensed Ross-Tech interface.
That include all genuine HEX-, KEY-, KII-, or Micro-CAN series Interface of interfaces.
It does not work with any third-party interfaces or some of the older “low-tech” interfaces we made and sold before 2004.

Need VCDS 18.9.0 VAG-COM VCDS 18.9 Ross-Tech Register Interface Ross-Tech VCDS genuine interface just contact us freely.