Car diagnostic tools information by obd2tool

Welcome to my blog,here some auto diagnostic tools will be displayed. If you want to know more information,you can visit our official website:

Car diagnostic tools information by obd2tool

Welcome to my blog,here some auto diagnostic tools will be displayed. If you want to know more information,you can visit our official website:

OBDSTAR X300 DP Plus Correct Odometer for Maserati Ghibli 2014

This article show a test case on how to use OBDSTAR X300 DP PLUS to correct odometer for Maserati Ghibli 2014.


And for more X300 DP Plus test please check here:OBDSTAR X300 Plus test cases,for more odometer correction check: Mileage Correction Cases


Connect OBDSTAR X300 DP Plus Programmer to vehicle via OBD,select “Diag Program”

Select “Cluster Calibrate”







GHIBLI 95160


Mileage Calibrate

This function is available by connecting the server,please ensure the internet connection is normal.

Then input the name of file to save,here input “MSLD0000” and tab “Enter” to continue


The current mileage of 4001km(error does not exceed 20KM)? Press ENTER to continue,Press ESC to exit.


Now input the mileage value you want,here input “39915”,then tab “Done”


Then OBDSTAR X300 PAD2 Plus will prompt you “calibration complete”


Check the mileage value “39880”



How to Use BMW EF Scanner Read BMW ISN Code for CAS1-3+

This article show a guide on how to use bmw diagnostic tool E/F Scanner to read BMW ISN coding for BMW CAS1-CAS3+ system.

BMW E/F Scanner Interface:

V2018.12 BMW E/F Scanner II Full Version (Recommend)
2013.07V E/F SCANNER For BMW

The BMW Explorer program has a possibility of reading a code of synchronization of ISN (all versions of CAS1 CAS2 CAS3 CAS3+).

Go to the CAS control unit, “Additional functions”, “Reading ISN”

In the opened window ISN will be displayed.

If the machine is equipped with the EWS3 system where 2 bytes of the constant part and the change are used, it will be displayed in the window 2 bytes of ISN DME (the upper 3 windows will be empty), if necessary they can be changed.

If the machine uses the EWS4 system, then 16 bytes of constant synchronization are used and there is no variable part.

Also after 2006, CAS3 uses an anti-theft code for EGS

If there is an EWS3 system in the car, then this code is the same with the engine control unit, if the machine already has an EWS4 system, then EGS uses separate 2 bytes

The program is in place of the engine ISN, it will display the gearbox code .. as in the picture below


BMW E-sys Software Function for BMW Features

What is BMW E-sys?

BMW E-sys is a BMW coding software application distributed by BMW Group for BMW F series coding.And with BMW E-sys software you can active or disable the BMW features by yourself.

BMW E-sys Software Function for BMW Features:

1.Lock unlock sound confirmation

2.Can operate the navigation menu including watching dvd when driving

3.Display engine output and torque meter ( purely fun, look engine output )

4.Cancel confirmation screen big screen boot delay

5.Open the voice recognition function

6.Three kind of bluetooth phone ringtones ( personality only )

7.Increasing the cic memory address to 50

8.The glass automatically rise to the top process is not terminated by the car door

9.The digital speed display ( fun only )

10.Air-conditioned memory of the last off state

11.Indoor cycling memories of the last time the state when engine off


More coding feature for BMW,please check:

Do you know 25 kinds of DIY BMW Coding by BMW E-SYS?

BMW E-sys Support BMW Vehicle List:

BMW F series , the new 1 Series, 3 Series, 5 Series, 7 Series , GT, X3

BMW E-sys Compatible Interface:

BMW ENET (Ethernet to OBD) Interface (Recommend)



Note:BMW ICOM A2 and BMW ICOM NEXT is a dealer level diagnostic tool for BMW group,it can not only run BMW E-sys,but also for other BMW diagnostic tool:BMW ISTA,WinKFP,Expert,BMW Diagnostic Tool….And if you just a BMW user and DIY for BMW hidden feature,here recommend to get BMW ENET,and for enthusiast DIYers,check this article to make a BMW ENET cable by yourself:How Build a BMW ENET Coding Cable by Yourself

BMW E-sys vs BMW Carly vs BimmerCode

BMW Esys vs Carly vs BimmerCode

Esys vs Carly

Carly: not for coding; E sys: coding success

I have been using Carly on my F30 for over a year, but not for coding, as that’s still not supported on Android. Carly can read and clear diagnostic codes and a host of other things that E-Sys isn’t meant to do. I recommend going to their website and checking on its capabilities there. From what they’ve told me, their F-chassis coding will probably be limited to the KOMBI module (dashboard items), but it may expand to include HU-ENTRY/CIC/NBT/NBT2 and FEM_BODY in the future.

It’s a simple connect (via their BT adapter), read coding data, select features to activate or deactivate (or change values), then push back into the module. Same as E-Sys but with a much more simplified interface. It allows you to save the module coding data as a backup, just like E-Sys. It worked great for coding on E-chassis cars, so I’m hoping it will be the same for F-Chassis, although they’ve had quite a bit of time to get things working and so far, coding with Android still isn’t fully tested yet. I’ve since used E-Sys for coding my F30 and the wife’s F23.

BMW E-Sys works better than Carly app in Fxx coding

I used Carly for my wife’s previous E88 128 convertible and it worked great – no having to do one item at a time, etc. Not quite sure what the problem is with the F-cars, because the principle is the same – read coding data, modify, write coding data. Apparently the new “network” and whatever read/write protocol that implies is far different than the CANbus of the E-series cars.

By comparison, E-Sys has improved vastly over the past year or two and coding both my F30 and the wife’s new F23 was relatively easy, particularly since you can save the coding data, disconnect, take the computer inside to do the modifications on a copy of the saved data, then reconnect and push the data back using the modified file. No more sitting in the car searching for the feature to be coded while the engine’s idling.

Carly adapter– Bluetooth; E sys ENET cable– Ethernet to OBD

Actually, the Carly adapter is Bluetooth. E-Sys looks for a connection via the ethernet port on your laptop. It won’t recognize BT at all – at least, I’ve not been able to make it do so. If your laptop doesn’t have an ethernet/RJ45 connector, you’ll need to find a device that does. Pretty sure that you can’t use a USB-to-ethernet adapter, either.

BimmerCode vs Esys

Bimmercode plus vgate = £50 (roughly)
E-sys + pro launcher = $50 for 2.5 years

BimmerCode for quick convenience
ESys for fully featured use.

PSdZData is for use with E_Sys, which is for F/G/I Series cars only. For E-Series cars, the tools are all different, different software, and different cable.

BMW E-sys Coding for BMW Tutorial:

How to do BMW F15 X5 FDL Coding by E-Sys and ENET Cable?

BMW VO Coding steps with E-Sys and ENET Cable

How to program BMW F series FA via E-SYS?

E-sys software code KOMBI to build 6WB in BMW F10 2010

BMW Coding Tool E-SYS Errors and Solutions

E-sys ENET cable coding LED head lamps off to 2015 F80

BMW E-sys ENET Cable Reflash ZGM(solved)

BMW F30 F31 variable changes using E-sys

E-sys 3.26.1 Disable the BMW F10 LED Sidemarkers

BMW Fxx-Ixx-Gxx-series Coding Guides, Tips, & Cheat Sheets

BMW E-sys Installation Operation System Requirement:

Processor: Pentium 4-Techner with minimum 1GHz clock frequency

RAM: at least 512MB

Hardware interface: (CAN / FD, Ethernet, …)

Java version (secured with): 64 bit

Operating system: Windows 7 64 bit

Driver for HW interfaces: see ProDiaS Release notes

BMW E-sys 3.33.0 Release notes:

E-sys 3.33.0
Psdz 5.07.01
Prodias: 3.4.0

Infos – Bitte beachten:

During the vehicle programming with E-Sys, no further applications should be excuted in parallel on the flash processor

This includes, in particular, background processes, such as the indexing service for desktop search or automatic defragmentation services

sys is current not supported under Windows 10. Workaround for display problems under Windows 10: E-sys.exe->Properties->Compatibility->Override behavior at high DPI scaling->Scaling performed by “System”

Quality Center (edited points):

14206 – certmanagement: failed to convert Json Response from CBB to internal PSdZObject

14421 – Error in seen in LOG after the import of an RSU container

14423 – FDL: Datentype yte isn’t checked

14570 – Mme-Type for Deltamap is unknown

14719 – Cermanagement: CSRs can only be read from ECU in Expert Mode

14835 – Certmanagement: Json-File is necessary although the XML-binding and SVT are located

14998 – E-sys : Load SVT file behaves differently with SVT-IST and SVT-Soll

Quality Center (open points):

12616 – Import error after KC update with RSU PDX template

14192 – Display Problems with E-sys on Windows 10

14232 – Import of corrupt containers

14382 – no OMITEC connection at E-sys 3.32.1/PSDZ 5.6.1

14770 – TAL Status Viewer: Flowchart is only displayed if filename starts with “TAL”

14954 – PSLZ created and stored TAL filters can not be loaded or edited in E-sys

12981 – Adding a own attribute at the xml-Namespace of a SVT-file

15012 – Faulty E-sys function – Create FA from short VIN

15024 – E-sys loggt User Name

Change requests and small changes:

CR3565 – Esys support forsecureECU model LSI

CR3566 – Esys support for centificate management 2021 and SEC-OC

CR3640 – Esys: SVT cannot be saved or opened with the special character “#” in the file name

CR3647 – Integration of the SVT update function into the module Tal generation

CR3681 – Esys – Adaptations resulting from modified TAL-Schema (IDR for ISTA)

CR3707 – Esys: new SVT scheme due to SFA/SecOc

KA3720 – For generated TAL files, Esys should determine the scheme version attribute from the version value of TAL xsd

CR3724 – Esys: Implementation: deal with file-based SWEn

KA3727 – In the coding verification in Esys, the selection of several FA entries should be possible

KA3735 – RSU Delta containers should be accepted when importing to Esys (writing the psdadata xml)

CR3817 – Customize Esys released notes and welcome screen for privacy, and complete Diaglog settings

CR3829 – Esys customization to create an RSU KC (changed SSK)

KA3852 – Esys-Log should write off the vehicle order used in the TAL processing as a file name so that you can understand this later

KA3904 – Esys: Link how to se the module certmanagement at Esys Help

KA3934 – Esys: Adaptation to new SVT scheme (PSdZ-CR3907)

MB STAR C3 not works any modules 12v e 24v

Mb Star C3 connect with notebook but no connect and no working to any modules to Cars or Trucks.



How to Change John Deere Speed Limit with PLD File Editor

John Deere PayLoad (PLD) File Editor – this is Developer level tool, that allows you to change factory parameters in the PLD files using John Deere Service Advisor.


John Deere Service Advisor,John Deere Diagnostic Kit,John deere diagnostic software,John Deere scanner,john deere service manual,john deere edl v2,john deere edl2,John Deere Service,Advisor EDL,V2 Diagnostic Kit,Electronic Data Link v2,

With John Deere Service Advisor PLD File Encryptor/Decryptor you can:

-Decrypt PayLoad (PLD) file to txt/ini format
-Modify PLD file expiration
-Modify PLD factory options such as speed limit (for example change 40 km/h to 50 km/h)
-Adjust PLD file to different product serial
-Encrypt PLD file
-Program controller with modified PLD using Service Advisor
-Support Windows XP

Example: How to change speed limit with  pld files?


Question about payload files:

I have pld files of my tractor (6330P) 11 in total.

I see in bottom of each files info about my tractor (option, serial number etc)

Question: My goal is up the speed limit from 40km to 50 km. I think I have to change OPTION=3 to OPTION=5, but do I have to edit each 11 pld file?

You were right about the speed limit:
you can change OPTION=3 to OPTION=4 or any other you need.
Speed_30kmh = 1;
Speed_35kmh = 2;
Speed_40kmh = 3;
Speed_50kmh = 4;
Speed_ECO = 5;
Speed_NoiseRed_OOS = 6;

For R models the line is different. ROADSPEEDLIMIT=3 change to ROADSPEEDLIMIT=5 or any other you need.

var RoadSpeedLimit_30 = “1”;
var RoadSpeedLimit_35 = “2”;
var RoadSpeedLimit_3840 = “3”;
var RoadSpeedLimit_40E = “4”;
var RoadSpeedLimit_50 = “5”;
var RoadSpeedLimit_50E = “6”;
var RoadSpeedLimit_55 = “7”;
var RoadSpeedLimit_60 = “8”;
var RoadSpeedLimit_60E = “9”;

After you change it, sometimes you still need to lift the speed manually through the display (depending on the tractor model)

You only need to reprogram transmission controller for that.
If you reprogrammed all of them, some settings might have went to default so you might get up to 5 fault codes that you need to configure with SA.

Does it work with SA 4.2?

Service Advisor is just a tool to use pld. Pld editor works without SA.

I have a question about trying to up the power of a 6330 to a 6430. If I compare the engine pld of both tractor they are identical (just the info in the bottom is different) So I don’t know how it could up the power if all the code is the same??

most pld files are made for various models, the info at the bottom determines which part of the pld file will be used for programming. For example:

Q4: Do you have John Deere PLD file editor for sale?

A4: Sorry, we don’t have PLD files. You can search or download from google.