This is for those maybe interested getting DTS 8 or Vediamo v5 working on 2003 Mercedes later.
My configuration:
X230 Lenovo
SD connect C4
No Xentry nor DAS (it seems better to not install this as it can created more probles in test phase)
Just InstallSDconnectToolkit 2.1.30 also have 2.1.14 but not installed (maybe should I use 2.1.14 ? )
and DTS Monaco 8.08.021
IP4 set to dns
My actual settings:

Set up 2 computers for testing:
computer 1) vediamo 4.02.02 on XP Xentry 09.2014
computer 2) DTS 8.08.21 on Windows 7 x32 clean NO Xentry, No Vediamo,
with a custom Toolkit and ToolkitApiDll_4.0.dll in sytem32
Vehicle: W215 2003 V12 Biturbo

I found several source with W215 folder and 1 works, but partially
On the picture you can see, once I apply filter, these are the only few that connect

Only these ecus above turn green
other 20-30 not
The solution in understanding that in 2003 year where there’s no any Vediamo and DTS8
Free solution is using DAS. It solves 99.99% tasks in this kind of vehicles.
Not free solution use other hardware and software.

From Vediamo manual:
CaesarGo: This firmware usually runs directly in the non-volatile
memory of your CAESAR hardware, e.g., in Part A or Part Y. Supports
older communication protocols as well, e.g., KWFB. The new UDS protocol
is not supported.
TLSlave: This firmware runs on the computer used. The faster the
computer, the quicker the different communication tasks can be completed
(e.g., flash processes). Also allows the simultaneous opening of up to
50 CAN channels. This firmware supports “newer” protocols as well, e.g.,
Good to know: CBF files is not about K-Line. CBF file use also W212 for example. Try to use Vediamo 4 for K-Line ecus.
For newbies: if you are not good at DTS or Vediamo settings, you
could get a disk that installed all Mercedes software (Xentry/DAS, DTS,
Vediamo, EPC, WIS, etc) before delivery. Tested successfully and
Look here:

Chart: explains the reason why many are looking for DTS