Car diagnostic tools information by obd2tool

Welcome to my blog,here some auto diagnostic tools will be displayed. If you want to know more information,you can visit our official website:

Car diagnostic tools information by obd2tool

Welcome to my blog,here some auto diagnostic tools will be displayed. If you want to know more information,you can visit our official website:

KESS V2 WARNING the tool is not updated

Useful tips of truck kess v2 ksuite warning “the tool is not updated”.


Kess v2 ksuite warning: the tool is not updated. Connect the PC to the Internet and run again the software.


Optional solution:

1.Try different USB cable. Some users with the same problem fixed the problem by a new USB cable .

2.Reflash with J-Link …

1. Do not update this tool online, or It will get damaged
2. Do remember disconnect internet when you use it

If you connect to internet with this clone kess v2 at, or make online update. The interface is destroy/broken.

1.–Buy a new NPX chip with 60 tokens inside. Desolder the old NPX and change it with new. It cost 14-20

2.–or you have to weld a connector on backside of interface ,and plug the J-link programmer.
You can reset the ECU Chip Tuning Kess v2 to virgin.


Our customers feedback some problem about kess v2,we sovled it and have written below,if you have same problems,it will help you

How to install SD Connect C4 WiFi on Windows 10

Have good success with MB SD Connect C4 windows 10.

I’m running Win10 on a Dell XPS15 9550 laptop with Intel AC 8260 internal wireless card installed.

After days of investigation and testing, the most important thing to understand is this. The drivers for your wireless card MUST support AdHoc functionality. The Benz diagnostic tools are the secret sauce that makes this possible. This can be verified at the DOS command prompt. The command is: netsh wlan show drivers
This command will show “Yes” or “No” on the line for “Hosted Network Support”.
If this line says “No”, AdHoc will not work properly.

Although I’m running Win10, Intel has drivers for the 8260 wireless card for Win8 which will enable proper AdHoc functionally.

The trick is to download the driver first, prior to removing your existing wireless driver. Download the driver ONLY, not any driver file with additional driver management apps included in the downloaded file.

Now you can go into Device Manager and remove your existing wireless card AND check the box that removes all software associated with it. My Win8 driver download file was a .exe file. I double clicked on it and the Win8 driver for my Intel 8260 card was installed. Went to Device Manager, right clicked on my 8260 wireless card and selected Properties. Clicked on Advanced and was able to see several AdHoc related entries. These AdHoc entries were not visible using the Win10 drivers.

AdHoc can now be verified at the DOS command prompt. The command is:
netsh wlan show drivers
This command will show “Yes” on the line for “Hosted Network Support”.
If this line says “No”, AdHoc will not work properly

With AdHoc functionality confirmed, additional DOS commands can now be used to enable Road24h wireless connectivity. The procedures for the additional steps required are well documented in OBD2TOOL or GOOGLE.

This is what worked for me. Depending on your computer skills, your results may vary.

If you find my posting to be of help to you, Thanks and Rep would be most appreciated.

Happy motoring!

How To Use Autel MaxiDiag MD808 Pro

The all new MaxiDiag MD808 Pro Scan Tool offers technicians more advanced features and functions to diagnose all systems for major vehicles on the road today.

The all new Autel MD808 pro offers technicians more advanced features and functions to diagnose all systems for major vehicles on the road today. With all the amazing functions, the small autel scan tool is capable of delivering unmatched efficiency in diagnoses and services, making the ideal service tool priced for everyone to afford.

Following is all the steps of using MD808 Pro


6-2 6-3 6-4










How to Make New Key for TOYOTA with SKP900 key Programmer

What can you do when Toyota all keys lost? Here I will offer the steps to help you deal with this problem with SuperOBD skp900 key programmer by yourself. Hope it help DIYs.

First of all, connect the equipment to TOYOTA



Select [IMMOBILIZER1], and it will load by itself, just wait for a while




Then the interface pops out, insert car key and turn on the ignition and

press [YES] to continue


When it enters [FUNCTION SELECTION], choose [ALL KEY LOST]


[MATCH NEXT KEY?], press [NO] to go back


Press [NO] to go back


Switch off the ignition, and the key can’t turn on the ignition again.

Insert a master key turn ignition on and insert new key and you can turn ignition on now!


How to Make New Key for TOYOTA with SKP900 key Programmer

What can you do when Toyota all keys lost? Here I will offer the steps to help you deal with this problem with SuperOBD skp900 key programmer by yourself. Hope it help DIYs.

First of all, connect the equipment to TOYOTA



Select [IMMOBILIZER1], and it will load by itself, just wait for a while




Then the interface pops out, insert car key and turn on the ignition and

press [YES] to continue


When it enters [FUNCTION SELECTION], choose [ALL KEY LOST]


[MATCH NEXT KEY?], press [NO] to go back


Press [NO] to go back


Switch off the ignition, and the key can’t turn on the ignition again.

Insert a master key turn ignition on and insert new key and you can turn ignition on now!
