Car diagnostic tools information by obd2tool

Welcome to my blog,here some auto diagnostic tools will be displayed. If you want to know more information,you can visit our official website:

Car diagnostic tools information by obd2tool

Welcome to my blog,here some auto diagnostic tools will be displayed. If you want to know more information,you can visit our official website:

Lonsdor K518ISE Program Ford Everest 2016 Remote Key

Today tested Lonsdor K518ISE key programmer English version on a Ford Everest 2016. Working perfectly.

Program  Ford Everest 2016 Remote Key with K518:

At least 2 keys are required to program smart key for Ford

Connect car key programmer Lonsdor K518 host with vehicle via OBD diagnostic socket

see the connect and OBD location

Select Immobilizer->Ford->Everest->Other Region or America ->Program Smart Key-> Add a key

7-2 7-3 7-4 7-5

Turn ignition ON


Lonsdor K518ISE shows vehicle part number, PIN and current key number: 2

Reading pin code


Insert a new key and turn ignition ON



Program success.

Identified number of keys: 3

Program complete


Test the remote and start vehicle




Lonsdor K518ISE Ford Vehicle List
Series    Origin    Year    Fuel Type    Function
New Mondeo    Other    Other    Other    Key Programming
New Mondeo    Other    Other    Other    Smart Key Programming
Escort    Other    Other    Other    Key Programming
New Edge    Other    15-    Other    Smart Key Programming
Mustang    Other    Other    Other    Smart Key Programming
Kuga    USA    05-07    Other    Key Programming
Raptor F350    Other    Other    Other    Key Programming
Transit    Other    Other    Other    Key Programming
Mondeo Wins    Other    Other    Other    Smart Key Programming
Mondeo Wins    Other    2012    Other    Key Programming
Mondeo Wins    Other    2011    Other    Key Programming
Focus    Other    2004-2008    Other    Key Programming
Focus    Other    2011-2013    Other    Key Programming
Kuga    Other    Other    Other    Key Programming
Ecosport    Other    Other    Other    Key Programming
Fiesta    Other    Other    Other    Key Programming
Focus    Other    2009-2011    Other    Key Programming
Mondeo    Other    Other    Other    Key Programming
Ecosport    Other    Other    Other    Smart Key Programming
Fiesta    Other    Other    Other    Smart Key Programming
Focus    Other    14-    Other    Key Programming
Exploror    Other    11-    Other    Key Programming
Classic Focus    Other    Other    Type2    Key Programming
Kuga    Other    Other    Other    Smart Key Programming
New Edge    Other    -15    Other    Smart Key Programming
Raptor F150    Other    2011-2014    Other    Key Programming
Raptor F150    Other    2009-2010    Other    Key Programming
Raptor F250    Other    2009-2010    Other    Key Programming
Everest    Other    Other    Other    Smart Key Programming
Classic Focus    Other    Other    Type1    Key Programming
Exploror    Other    15-    Other    Smart Key Programming
Taurus    Other    15-    Other    Smart Key Programming
Everest    Other    Other    Other    Key Programming

Solution of BMW Diagnostic Tool BMW ICOM BMW Ista Cannot Read BMW F-series

BMW Scanner BMW ICOM A2 BMW Ista from is the best diagnostic and programming tool for BMW Vehicles. BMW Diagnostic Tool ICOm A2 software have come to latest version BMW Ista v2017.9. ICOM Rheigold ISTA software for BMW diagnotic tools, BMW ISTA D software for BMW Diagnostic Tool, BMW ISTA P for BMW ICOM programming. Some customers may get the problem that cannot read BMW F-series when they use BMW Scan Tool BMW Ista , share you the solutions.

BMW Diagnostic Tool BMW ICOM with V2017.9 BMW Ista Software


Need help setting up BMW ICOM Rheingold, does not read F series
There is a diagnostic interface BMW ICOM A2BC, a Chinese clone.
Installed simply by installation, works fine reads scans, diagnoses, Version
THERE IS A PROBLEM! Do not read the BMW F-series

Says it was not possible to identify the car.
What to do?

Pls help!

bmw icom A2

bmw icom A2

6-2 6-3 6-4
BMW Scan Tool BMW Ista Working solution:
Put in the VCI Configuration check box is not for the item “Prefer Ethernet as the preferred communication channel for ICOM.”
Test Result:
It works, thanks.

OBDSTAR X300 DP renew key PCF79XX adapter unlock Audi 5 Generation key

Host on how to use Car Scanner OBDSTAR renew key PCF79XX adapter to unlock Audi 5 Generation key by working together with OBDSTAR X300 DP(Orange)/ OBDSTAR  key master DP(Green). Besides, OBDSTAR renew key PCF79XX adapter is designed for BMW, VW, Volvo, Chrysler, Renault, GM, Kia, Hyundai etc.

To unlock Audi 5 Generation key, please prepare the two tools:

OBDSTAR renew key PCF79XX adapter

OBDSTAR X300 DP or OBDSTAR key master DP


Plug OBDSTAR X300 DP with VCI box, renew key PCF79XX adapter etc shown as below picture, make sure the indicator lights flash.


FYI, OBDSTAR X300 DP (Orange)VS OBDSTAR key master DP(Green):

They are the same tool, they have same function, save vehicle coverage. They differ from each other in color, the orange one OBDSTAR Scanner X300 DP is supplied on Eshop, so it does not need to waste money to order both two.

Tap X300 DP option “DP” then “Diag Program”.

Tap “Other Function” then “Unlock Key”.

Have option “Renew key V30.01”, click “OK”.


Tap “Audi”, then “5 Generation”


Have 3 options shown as below, go to check the chip board number and tap “Board 233.453.111-05/06


Tap “315MHZ 8T0959754C”


Please refer to the following figure for the correct connecting line.

Pop up “Connect the host to the PCF79XX adapter and supply the 12V power to the adapter.” Tap “OK” and writing data, please wait……


Data Brushing successful, click “OK”


How to Update Launch Creader VII+ (CRP123) and Creader VIII (CRP129)

Launch X431 Creader VII+(CRP123) comprehensive diagnostic Tool and Launch X431 Creader VIII(CRP129),are lanuch x431 diagnostic scanner,with multi-language available.Support over 20 car models and 4 systems(ABS, Airbag, Transmission and ECU).

How to Update Launch Creader VII+ (CRP123) and Creader VIII (CRP129)?

Step 1: visit and click icon “Update Tool Download”.

Step 2: Download and install “Launch Creader Update Tool “,after installation is complete, run it.

Step 3: in the following picture, select Language (English, Chinese,French and Spanish available) and input product Serial Number (the serial number is in the back of Creader VII+ /Creader VIII).

Step 4: click “Update” to enter the registration page, input Email and Register Code, click “Submit”.

(Note: if you need Register Code, please refer to step 5 to step 8; if you already have Register Code, after submit, skip to step 9. )

Step 5: the register code can be found in the Creader VII+ /Creader VIII, how to find? Connect one end of the USB cable to Creader VII+ / Creader VIII, and another end to the computer.

Step 6: Wait until Launch Creader enter the main menu, then Move the mouse pointer to the “Help” icon, finally press the “OK button.
Step 7: select “Tool Information”, then press button “OK”.


Step 8: the register code shown below is the one needed to enter in the step 4.
(Back to step 4 to input register code and continue)


Step 9: insert TF card into TF card reader, then insert the TF card into the computer.

Step 10: restart the “Launch Creader Update Tool “, select the file you need or click “All”, then click “Download” to start the download.


Step 11: After complete download, take out TF card from TF card reader and insert it into the slot of Creader VII+ / Creader VIII, then supply power for Creader VII+ / Creader VIII by the USB cable (one end of the USB cable connect to Creader VII+ / Creader VIII and another end to the computer) or by the vehicle diagnostic socket (connect the OBDII connector of Creader VII+ / Creader VIII to vehicle diagnostic socket ), after the Creader starts, it popup a window prompting ” System Upgrade- Sure Upgrade?”, select ” OK” to upgrade.


Step 12: update complete!

How to Select a Personal OBD 2 Reader?

It may not be as easy as one may think when setting out to select personal cheap obd2 scanner for your car. This is because each car is unique and may need to be treated as such. However the whole how to process will be dependent on some areas which one needs to cover.

Though the OBD 2 readers may come in all shades of color and sizes, the right one is just within your reach if you only tried. Our guide is therefore focused at giving you a one on one account of how to go about selecting the right OBD 2 reader for your car.

The confidence you are bound to experience will definitely improve your car use experience. In addition, selecting the right Heavy Duty Truck Scanner is important in enabling you keep safe and sound while driving.

Learning this selection process alone has made many people escape from the numerous problems they would have encountered by getting an OBD 2 reader which does not fit their car needs.

Some of the areas to cover include;

1.Know the user language– because some of the OBD 2 is not multilingual in nature, using them may prove to be quite challenging and so may require the buyer to look carefully when selecting. Choose an OBD reader which conforms to your catchment language.
2.Know how the OBD 2 reader of your car operates– for starters, you may need to know whether your car is compliant. Most modern cars are compliant with the possibility of accommodating different car readers.

In addition to that, ensure that the car has the required area where the OBD 2 device will be easily connected. This will be good for the sake of convenience and ease of use.

3.Get a wider network– in the selection process; do not be fixed at one item look for a reader which is capable of diversifying. The most important area is to ensure that the OBD 2 reader has the capacity to get the required data readings.


Most modern cars are compliant with the possibility of accommodating different car readers.

What would be nice to look at in this case is in the area of the codes. The reader should have the ability to get the manufacturer specific as well as generic codes for you. These need to be wide range in nature.

This network would be best if you sought it from the different sources which include reading of the user reviews and connecting with friends. Other areas where you may visit would be visiting the manufacturer sites directly.

In addition, selecting a reader with a wide range of capacities may just be what you are looking for. The best case would be a reader which can perform tasks of car code reading while attempting to assist with the repair process as well.

The wide coverage also needs to consider things like the coverage of the several user protocols which are known to be standard in nature. All the above information can be evident if you look at some of the features of your OBD 2 reader.
You need to know which of the devices suits your car

You need to know which of the devices suits your car

It would be nice if you just took your time to acquaint yourself with the latest trends on the diverse car engine protocols which are in use at any given moment in time. It will definitely save the buyer a lot of stress.

1.The features– though each of the VAG Diagnostic Tools come with its own features, what is important is that the reader needs to have some of the latest features just like you need to have your car updates.


In addition, the features need to be easy to read and use. For instance, the OBD 2 reader’s memory needs to be large enough to store data for the future if needed. In addition, the visual areas like the screen must be clear and eye friendly.

2.Check for relevance– most users buy the OBD 2 readers without knowing which of the areas it will be attending to. This act alone is enough to subject the reader to irrelevance. In some areas, the tool may be so efficient but working on the wrong problem.
3.Shop for the OBD 2 readers– the range of OBD 2 devices in the market alone is enough to give you an advantage when selecting the readers. You need to know which of the devices suits your car and whether it will be a standalone or the ones which rely on the car engine.

It would be nice if you went around and shopped for a reader which has the specifications fitting your car. What however may need to be taken into account is the universal nature of some of the OBD 2 readers.

Getting the how to information on the OBD 2 readers is hard in the market. Most areas which concern the use of the readers are quite popular when compared. Reviews concern themselves mostly with areas to do with the functional strengths and weaknesses.

If you were seeking some relevant information, then you are surely in the right place. This resource therefore makes it among the relevant information you need to seek before settling for any OBD 2 reader purchase.