Car diagnostic tools information by obd2tool

Welcome to my blog,here some auto diagnostic tools will be displayed. If you want to know more information,you can visit our official website:

Car diagnostic tools information by obd2tool

Welcome to my blog,here some auto diagnostic tools will be displayed. If you want to know more information,you can visit our official website:

2017 Chinese National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival Holiday Promotion


2017 Chinese National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival Holiday Promotion

Dear customers,

To celebrate the Chinese National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival, we will have holiday from Sep 30th – Oct 08th.
If you are interesting in buy any tool, please place an order as soon as possible.
We will arrange shipping for you before our holiday.

We are sorry we can not ship the order during the holidays.  but we will send extra free Gift for each order:
1. Order under 1000USD Get VAG com V15.7
2. Order over 1000USD Get Car and truck OBD2 cdp DS150 professional Diagnostic tools
3. Order over 1500USD Get super VCS
4. Order over 2000USD Get 2014 ALLDATA 10.53 + 2015 Mitchell OnDemand

The gift can adjust according to customer demand.

In addition, we released some special products to thank the old and new customers, Click 2017 Chinese National Day promotion to see more detail.
We may not reply you or arrange the shipment during the holiday .
If you have any request or problem , please send email to ,  your emails can be received normally , but will be handled after we are back to work .

Sorry for the inconvenience to you & Thanks for your understanding .


Toyota Camry change mileage with Digimaster 3

How to change mileage for Toyota Camry with Digimaster 3? Please follow the instructions as follows.

1.Firstly open “digimastar3 vehicle list” file and search Camry, as shown bellow, OBP adapter needed, then find out the OBP adapter in the tool box. Open Auto Scanner Tool digimaster3, choose “Meter System” in the menu list.



2.Select Japan & Korea

3.Select Toyota

4.Select Camry

5.Display C46 as follows, which indicates to remove the Instrument and to find C46 chip. Note: the same as to the other cars models, when it displays chip model, just to remove the Instrument and find the corresponding chip model.


6.The following picture tells the location of dip 93c46, now remove dip 93c46.
Note: be careful not separate chip angle and no short-circuit.

The removed 93c46 chip like this.


Weld the chip in the right location as bellow and connect the OBP adapter with Digimaster 3, (Note: notice 93C46 direction)


In the Digimaster 3, click Next, read out Chip mileage value 80KM, select “Yes” to adjust the mileage value you want.


For example, in the box “Adjusting mileage”, enter 4567, and then click “OK”.

Write Data succeed!


High-quality witech micropod system vs. bad micropod 2 china clone

Here’s a comparison chart of genuine vs. clone wiTech MicroPod 2 system, incl. High-quality witech micropod system vs. bad micropod 2 china clone.

Genuine WiTech Micropod2 vs. Clone wiTech Micropod II


4-2 4-3 4-4

witech micropod2 for sale:


– the copy is 1:1 of the genuine, of high quality and good stability, its connector matches the car OBD plug perfectly.

– With high-quality USB cable which transfer data stably and reliably

– The package is anti-static, moisture-proof, anti-electromagnetic interference

– Workable with your current wiTECH software

– No smart cables required

– No drivers needed

micropod 2 ebay?

Ebay should be a good place to buy items. But for professional vehicle diagnostic tools, a site with experienced experts and technical support teams like

witech micropod II HQ Clone Customer Review:
Just ordered a chinese clone MicroPod II and it has been working exactly like an OEM unit. No errors so far and tested functions on 3 different vehicles. It has been confirmed working with unmodified software wiTECH v17.03.10 (downloaded directly from Chrysler). For now it works fine.

I have tested Dodge also. I just used it on a 2014 dodge avenger just fine.

I don’t have experience with Windows XP. This version of Witech works fine on Windows 7 and Windows 10.

I have also uploaded pictures of the internals for those who are curious.

4-6 4-7 4-8 4-9 4-10

witech software download:

micropod 2 login, setup

witech micropod 2 review:

Kess v2 fw v4.036 Add Tokens Manual

This is a user manual of how to add tokens to KESS V2 Firmware V4.036; also with how to fix “NO VALID TOKEN FILE” error when fail to add tokens.


1- this manual is used for Kess v2 tuning kit firmware v4.036

2- must be used for Kess v2 without a token reset button


3- Disable all local area connection and wireless network connection, otherwise the KESS V2 hardware would be damaged.
Process of adding tokens:
Extract “Tool” Zip File;
Copy all the files under “Tool” Folder to the desktop;
Copy “K-Suite_tokens” zip File into Local Dick C and unzip the file;
Run “K10033818 K2-TR ECU TUNERS”;
Click “OK” to continue;


Browse the folder to C:\\KSuite tokens\KSuite;
Click OK;

Click “Rest Token Count” button;


Click OK and then wait for loading;
Next close the window;
Delete previously unzipped “K-Suite_tokens” Folder in C:\\;
Re-extract “K-Suite_tokens” Zip File again;
Re-name “Token1.tok” on the desktop as “Token2.tok”;
Copy “Token2.tok” to the “Tokens” Folder;


Open “K10033818 K2-TR ECU TUNERS” again;
Select location as C:\KSuite tokens\KSuite again;
Click “Rest Token Count”;
Wait until the KESS V2 main menu window displays;

kess v2 v4.036 adds tokens SUCCESS!

How to solve “Add Tokens Failed:NO VALID TOKEN FILE”

Tokens for Kess v2 Chip Tuning Tool is used out. Open the file “K10033818” and meet the following situation.



1. rename the token file(“token1.tok”) as “token3.tok” or “token5.tok”


2.copy the file you renamed just (“token3.tok” or “token5.tok” ) now to the folder “Tokens”Ksuite-3


note: make sure that there is only one file (“token3.tok” or “token5.tok” ) in the folder “Token”


normally, the first 10 tokens in “token1.tok” “token2.tok” will be used, you may use tokens from 11th token to the 100th.
it is limited to 100 tokens. so when you use all 100 tokens, you can change the laptop or restore the system and then use tokens from 11th token.

if you follow the 2 steps above but it doesn’t work, please try to install our windows XP

4. If you cannot add tokens according to the instruction above, change the TF card and follow step 1 & 2.

Original AUTEL MaxiDAS DS808K remplace AUTEL DS708

Basé sur le système d’exploitation Android et avec l’écran tactile LCD 7-inch (résolution 1024 * 600), le MaxiDAS DS808K Full (Avec Conkit) est présenté avec une couverture étendue du diagnostic de niveau OE. Installé avec un processeur quad-core rapide, DS808K (Avec Conkit) OBD2TOOL  offre le maximum de confort et d’efficacité pour votre diagnostic et votre analyse.
Mise à jour gratuité un an, après un an, frais de mise à jour est 332EUR par an

AUTEL MaxiDAS DS808K full set VS Autel DS808 :
La seule différence: MaxiDAS DS808 Kit est full, MaxiDAS DS808 est standard set. Veuillez confirmer en vérifiant leur liste de colis.
Même: mêmes fonctions et même spécification MUX
Comment mettre à jour Autel DS808K (avec Conkit) software:
1. Assurez-vous que la tablette d’affichage est connectée à une source d’alimentation avec un accès stable à Internet.
2. Appuyez sur le bouton Mettre à jour l’application dans le menu de travail MaxiDAS;
Ou appuyez sur le message de notification de mise à jour lorsqu’il est re?u un;
Ou appuyez sur l’ic?ne Mise à jour sur le menu Véhicule dans l’application Diagnostics.
L’écran Application de mise à jour s’affiche.
3. Vérifiez toutes les mises à jour disponibles:
Si vous décidez de mettre à jour tous les éléments, appuyez sur le bouton Mettre à jour tout.
Si vous souhaitez seulement mettre à jour un ou un élément, appuyez sur le bouton Mettre à jour dans la colonne de droite de l’élément spécifique.
4. Appuyez sur le bouton Pause pour suspendre le processus de mise à jour. Lorsque vous appuyez sur Continuer pour renouveler la mise à jour, le processus de mise à jour reprendra
Du point de rupture.
5. Lorsque la procédure de mise à jour est terminée, le microprogramme sera installé automatiquement. La version précédente sera remplacée.

3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4