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Car diagnostic tools information by obd2tool

Welcome to my blog,here some auto diagnostic tools will be displayed. If you want to know more information,you can visit our official website:

Reviews of VXDIAG SUBARU SSM-III Multi Diagnostic Tool

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SUBARU SSM-III Software Function:

1.All System Diagnosis. Selecting this item displays on a single screen the fault detect status of all control system control modules for which SSMΙΙΙ diagnosis is supported, and memorized diagnostic codes.

2.Each System Check. Selecting this item makes it possible to select a particular system from among the control systems forwhich SSMΙΙΙ diagnosis is supported, and perform fault diagnosis.

This item can be used to view input/output data of the system control modules that perform fault diagnosis, memorized diagnostic codes, and other data on the PC display. This menu item is also used after repair work is complete to delete diagnostic codes, to configure control module settings, etc.

3.Saved Data Display. This item can be used to save various data sampled during fault diagnosis operations, and to load data for viewing after work is complete.

4.Immobilizer. This item performs immobilizer registration.

5.Reprogram. This item performs reprogramming of the control module.

6.Read CF application measurement data. This item performs reading stand alone measurement data saved in a CF card to hard disk of your PC.

7.Convert/Save measurement data on driving recorder. Loads data sampled on the driving recorder to the PC from the CF card, and converts and saves that data.

8.Oscilloscope. After attaching the optional pulse/analog cartridge to SDI, connect the pulse/analog box to the SDI and using pulse/analog probe to perform analog sampling.

9.Program Subaru smart key


Reviews of Vxdiag Subaru SSM-III:

I have a Vxdiag Subaru and find it useful as it will talk to everything on the car, including immobilizer systems. . . it emulates the Vxdiag Subaru SSM iii and uses cracked SSM software (which is why it’s such a pain to set up). It is *extremely* picky about OS. I wound up having to buy a new(ish) laptop running win7 to get it going. Wouldn’t work with XP or 10.


The error code is due to the lack of the CF card. It’s benign.


But my mission is a bit different from most. I make and program keys for a living and for a while the SSM was the only thing that would program the prox fobs. Not true anymore but I still paid less for the VXdiag with software than I would for a single piece of software for my T-code pro. . and there are 3 for Subaru. I have one which only covers the earliest models.


I also find it handy for doing stuff like turning off the passenger seat belt warning (my dog rides over there sometimes and doesn’t like wearing his belt) or setting the wiper de-icer to work for as long as I tell it to instead of a 12 minute cycle. Or make the door locks unlock with one press of the remote. All of this is stuff you won’t be able to do (AFAIK) with any other scanner.


I also rebuild wrecks and it’s the only thing that will talk to the airbag systems so I can figure out WTF is making the light stay on after cobbling together a car from 2 or 3 others.


You could pay the $3k for a legit SSM3 plus another $2k/year for software and have no problems with install. . .


But if all you want to do is check/clear codes and view live engine data occasionally, yeah, you don’t need this.


Btw. You have to have a NASTF LSID or be very good friends with a Subaru parts manager.


You need an immobilizer code (which is VIN specific) to program keys/fobs. It does not change so once you have it for your car you can go nuts. Odds are your dealer would probably give you YOUR immobilizer code if you shop there somewhat regularly. They may charge you for it as I know they have to pay a couple of bucks to mama subie for them.


There’s also an ‘enabling password’ which is also static and I suppose is a very flimsy extra layer of security to protect the immobilizer features of the SSM. It’s 3781.

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